He finds his third Lin Kuei assassin - the elusive Smoke. In vicious battle, Sub-Zero faces Cyrax and Sektor: but not alone. He defeats Kahn and saves the world, but is forever trapped in his artificial body. He learns he still has a soul and his true mission is the destruction of the Outworld invaders. But Smoke soon finds himself being persued by Shao Khan's minions. But Smoke is captured and transformed into a cyborg with a mission to find and kill his own partner. Smoke was once a friend and ally of Sub-Zero when they both tried to escape from being turned into machines by their ninja clan. The chaos that consumed the city in the hours before the invasion are gone. Stryker defeats the warlord and saves the entire planet. Kahn is unfamiliar with this new kombatant and is caught off guard. He travels back to the city he swore to protect. He eventually meets the rest of Earth's warriors and learns the true meaning of his survival. Ignorant of why his soul was spared from the Outworld invasion, Stryker receives a vision from Raiden. When the world returns to its normal state, Sonya has no trouble convincing her superiors to form the Outerworld Investigation Agency, devoted to protecting the Earth against possible future invasions from other realms. In an incredible display of courage, Sonya wins. She then comes face to face with the emperor himself. Sonya defeats her arch-enemy Kano high atop a skyscraper near Shao Kahn's fortress. Then, before the portal closes, Liu Kang is greeted by Princess Kitana and thanked for saving the Earth and the Outworld. But it's the apparent death of his friend Kung Lao that enrages Kang and enables him to find the strength to defeat Shao Kahn.

But Kang is the reigning Mortal Kombat champion and proves it by easily defeating Kahn's minions. Rumored to have suffered a violent death, Kano was ignorant of the fact that he saved the world he tried to conquer.Īfter thwarting Shao Kahn in the past, Liu Kang finds himself the prime target of Shao Kahn's extermination squads. But Kano is unable to control the spirits as they escape and attack him. Kano's true intention is to take over the souls which Kahn once possessed. He fights the remaining warriors and finally defeats Kahn himself. Kano lures Kahn's armies away on a false mission: then nukes them using a stolen weapon. When Shao Kahn lets Kano live he fails to realize the resourcefulness of the scheming human. He leads the first expedition into a mysterious new realm. Jax runs the exploratory division which learns to open portals through science rather than magic. When the world reverts back to normal, Jax and Sonya start the Outerworld Investigation Agency. Thought to be the strongest man on Earth, he has no problem proving it: First by beating Kahn's armies and then by defeating the Emperor himself. The second time Jax battles the forces of Shao Kahn he comes prepared. In doing so, she also liberates Edenia and assures a reunion with her 10,000 year old daughter - Kitana.

But in defeating Shao Kahn, Sindel frees the Earth. He uses Sindel as a pawn in his quest for Earth and took Kitana as his own daughter. They once had a daughter named Kitana and ruled a realm called Edenia, before Kahn took it away in their own Mortal Kombat. She discovers that her true king was named Jerrod. Sindel receives visions of her true past and turns against Shao Kahn.